Saturday, January 23, 2010

Love Poem

Here is my own "cover" of how do I love thee, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Mr. Licky's many icky stuff todo :P
How Do I Love Thee?
Let Me Count the Ways
I love thee like a rose in a win
ter frost's night
sweet and sorrow, standing tall out of sight
Small and Unyielding,would fig
ht for dear life
I love thee like death's own reaper
Fled away but to sav
e others sorrow
I love thee happily, for name and nobility
I adore them arms, stretched on
a knights glade
A golden snake under the sun's yellow shade
I love thee for just, for revenge, and for hell
Because it roots on people
and rings Medusa's bell
I love thee without complaint with an
unyielding spirit
Forever as my soul reigns
And the words that hand it

I think it is so beautiful.Reaching out to...

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