Sunday, January 31, 2010

a Little Cruelty Goes A Long Way

Sometimes you must be cruel to be kind. The minor ouch of an inoculation can prevent a major illness.

Which basically means that A little hurt will go a long way. I am reading 1984 by George Orwell right now. The novel is basically a negative utopia gone wild in Mr. Orwell s nightmarish vision of 1984 in the early 20th century when the World Powers are in the process of ARMS RACE. The heretic protagonist gets caught joining the revolution and the torture, betrayal and scary story begins. It is so mind twisting that I have to stop and figure it out for a minute or two before continuing.

That was the novel, at one part of it, he is tortured mentally, his mind is bent to conform with the society in the book. His torturer and antagonist swerves him expertly redirecting every question to the great principle of the society. The antagonist tells him how this hurt/torture will lead him a better life in the conformity. To love big brother. It was so cruel that its words burned in my brain, but I choose not to clip it here.

My point right now, is how it all can change you, maybe a scar a heartbreak or a little shot in your groin. Pain that takes sometimes so little time, but so hard to endure can sometimes be actually good for you.

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