Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Vacay Overview.

Damn it. I cannot blog as much as i used to here. Anyways, I just got back from a kill run on Splash Circuit. I asked some Clare people to show, but I guess they're too damn tired even to get up at that hour. (Well, I'm an early riser, kill me for being one 'kay?) :))

As you can see, my blog has had a makeover. It's black again. And I like it simple. I don't like the templates nayways.
I'm having brunch now, and my to-do list is getting shorter, thanks to some friends who have the guts to talk me out of using the ole "big gun". :D
I'm negotiating terms with my dad about tomorrow. I have to convince him. I never get a chance to hang out with them w/o something bothering my head. I really wanna go. And I don't wanna whine about it.
I love running, I felt like a whole new person after being christened with sweat after feeling my shoes tapping on the asphalt. Knowing I'm losing carbs as well as listening to lovely music.
I'm currently loving some of the gifts my classmates gave me, especially the one Sam Garcia gave me, it's a diary. And Andrei and Nilleth's gifts as well. Let's not forget you-know-wh0, remembering my present. Maybe, its nothing to him but it means a lot to me,even if he does not know it. Nor care.


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