Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Stuff

Well, its been a long time since I blogged here. Anyways, stuff have been quite weird lately.
My parents are all going hyper for Christmas. I was quite amused about how busy they seem to be. And there was that court thing to be settled. Which I hate to the max. I can barely concentrate on school and my studies. Our house was one big nut house. If you go into the family room, there would be a constant stream of wrappers, fax beeps, scotch tape rings and wads of folders stuck with headers that even I couldn't understand. My parents never did like Christmas. They think its a big waste of money(good point). And I am starting to adopt the mindset. Which is really annoying. Anyways, I have a been quite a blur if you ask me about the going-ons at school, I'll just answer you in a strange airy way. :D. I have to reorganize myself with all the things going on.
Hmm....sooner or later, I am going to forget something, so I better list them down.

Scratch my parents off my back- do the invites for Xmas gathering
Prepare for MTs
Do stuff for....

Prepare my gifts
Prep up my BS
Prepare for Christmas Visitor :) (please let it be this year)
clean up room

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