Saturday, February 20, 2010


Damn. Sometimes, technology can be a lifesaver, it can save ur homework, your acads, your musical knowledge and sometimes even your social life.
But somehow, it turned the tide on me. I mean, I was looking forward for this thing all day. I was stressed out and our chitter chatter can easily calm me.

but no.

the internet conked up.bunged up, seriously hot messed up. I got so worked up. When it came back up again, it was all gone. Man, I was seriously pissed off that I pounded the connection. And now, its working up to par. Stress is blissfully took over me the whole day and the internet just went in and made it take over. I am gonna wait, until I bug my eyes out. I feel sorry for someone, I dissed on him about it, sorry. BAD DAY. PLUCKY DAY :(

1 comment:

  1. wahohoho. oh come on. it's not THAT big of a dilemma.

